Igboho, who was declared wanted by the Department of State Security (DSS) soon after the raid of his Ibadan house on Wednesday, said in a lengthy statement that Government was out to “forcefully silence me so that the criminal herdsmen, who enjoy government’s sympathy, protection and immunity, can easily outrun the Southwest.”
Igboho, who was declared wanted by the Department of State Security (DSS) soon after the raid of his Ibadan house on Wednesday, said in a lengthy statement that Government was out to “forcefully silence me so that the criminal herdsmen, who enjoy government’s sympathy, protection and immunity, can easily outrun the Southwest.”
Igboho, who was declared wanted by the Department of State Security (DSS) soon after the raid of his Ibadan house on Wednesday, said in a lengthy statement that Government was out to “forcefully silence me so that the criminal herdsmen, who enjoy government’s sympathy, protection and immunity, can easily outrun the Southwest.”
Igboho, who was declared wanted by the Department of State Security (DSS) soon after the raid of his Ibadan house on Wednesday, said in a lengthy statement that Government was out to “forcefully silence me so that the criminal herdsmen, who enjoy government’s sympathy, protection and immunity, can easily outrun the Southwest.”