Marley tweeted, “Wanna hear a joke about my dick? Never mind, it’s too long”, he made an array of such thoughts, and a wide range of fans began connecting with him, his stupid bunch (Marlians) let the message sink; they cajoled with it showing signs of relishing and hailed his name.
The Twitter ban in Nigeria restricted a lot of fans’ commitment to their favorite creators, the platform could only be accessed through the struggles of connecting VPN. Good a thing, it was a few days ago the Twitter ban was lifted, leaving wide open the pool for fans to access and commune with their favorite idols.
Of course, Twitter rants and a good number of bants involving trends have been taking rounds whilst a fuller number of both the creators and fans of the social media platform, Twitter might have found the platform less interesting until January 12th, 2022, when the ban was lifted.
“I used the app even while it was banned, though not frequently because of the strains of connecting VPN, although when I visited, I followed up a wide range of buzzing trends on the platform,” @Iyanugreat95, a growing Twitter influencer, and content creator told me. However, since the ban was lifted, I noticed a shift and how fans have connected with various creators.
On 16th January 2022 exactly four days after the Nigerian government lifted the ban, Naira Marley has left the fringes and has come to make a collection of tweets that stands as an examination of his dark thoughts. On a Sunday, fans advised that he should consider regarding the day which he made an array of his dirty thoughts and according to a Twitter user @Therealarona that commented on one of Naira Marley’s tweets that Sunday, “Today is Sabbath day, keep it holy fgs”. Marley’s thoughts hold no value or have cultural conformity.
Marley tweeted, “Wanna hear a joke about my dick? Never mind, it’s too long”, he made an array of such thoughts, and a wide range of fans began connecting with him, his stupid bunch (Marlians) let the message sink; they cajoled with it showing signs of relishing and hailed his name.
Take careful note of the songs Naira Marley has created, they are calibrations of his thought. While he is having a blinding career run, Marley has kept displaying what his mind is made of. He has his Marlians by him and if you should be considering what his stupid bunch and their thoughts consist of, often his tweets also, perhaps, they are thinking to commit themselves to display another nudity or something with no value or genuine cultural conformity.
Agwuma Kingsley