Fellow Nigerians,
I want to give you an update on the current security situation in the country. As you know, my advance team was attacked on their way to Daura yesterday! This is a national embarrassment and I take full responsibility for the apalling security situation that Nigerians find themselves in! I have not given the security situation the urgency it deserves. I underestimated the risks posed by these demonic elements. That was a mistake! Due to that mistake, these elements have terrorised the country and are becoming more dangerous by the day! There are reports of bigger security challenges ahead! To some, the attack on my advance team is like the canary in the coal mine! In other words, a sign of a bigger disaster to come! And currently, there are hundreds of thousands of people living under constant fear of attack by these elements! That’s my fault and I take full responsibility for that. But from now on, Nigerians will not fear anything again!
In the next 48 hours, our security forces will be in control of every town and village under our geographical sphere. Any resistance will be dealt with mercilessly! From those towns and villages, we will conduct attacks on these demonic elements until we clear every inch of Nigeria of these people! Any person that interferes with these operations will be killed! We will show them no pity and we will rock their world! For the issue is one of life or death for our peace-loving people! We will continue these operations until the enemies are completely decapitated! Nigeria is the only country we have, we will not allow it to slide into a state of anarchy! We will do everything to bring an end to this mess!
To our security forces, all ceremonial events within all the security forces should be suspended! All hands must be on deck to bring an end to this mess! All efforts and resources should be concentrated on operational matters only! I want to see improvement within the next 72 hours! Nigerians should be able to ply our roads without fear of being killed or kidnapped! I will send anyone packing if he/she fails to deliver on my expectations! I better be impressed with the security situation within this time frame or all the security heads will be fired! You are appointed to protect the lives of Nigerians and if you cannot do so, you will be better off fired! I will keep firing until I get the people that will protect Nigeria and Nigerians! Shall we allow our audacious enemies to violate with impunity the peace of our country? Teach the world that a malediction attends those that violate the peace of our great people! The hopes and prayers of peace-loving Nigerians everywhere march with you!
To our enemies, you have had your fill. I believe it is in your best interest to surrender now and allow peace to reign before things start to go against you. I promise you, all your grievances will be addressed. For those who will surrender amongst you because they do not wish to go on the journey to their graves, we will not send them. We will show respect to them. But if you choose to fight, we will deploy all our resources and the damage they could do to you is incalculable. Your fighting will only guarantee one thing: Ultimate collapse and obliteration of your turfs! Nigeria will continue as one peaceful entity. We will wipe you out if that is what you choose.
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Hamza Muhammad Tasiu