Wednesday, October 20, 2021 will forever remain an unforgettable experience in the life of NRC train driver Ziya’u Yusuf.
The train driver who faced attacks from bandits under rains of bullets, shocks from bomb explosions and shattered windshields, Ziya’u Yusuf, maneuvered the hapless Abuja-Kaduna train to the terminus.
Born in 1988, Mr. Yusuf is one of the bravest, efficient and punctual train conductors of the Nigerian Railway Corporation, NRC.
He holds a Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi, and joined NRC in 2013.
“Ziyau is young, agile and courageous. He performs all the tasks entrusted to him with distinction, ”said one of his colleagues who preferred anonymity.
Mr. Yusuf holds a National Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bachi, and joined NRC in 2013.
When their train was the victim of a bomb attack perpetrated by terrorists on the Rijana bridge on Wednesday at 7:56 p.m. sharp, Mr. Yusuf allegedly ordered his colleagues to lie down in the crew compartment to avoid The balls.
As the main driver in the attack, the 33-year-old then completed the trip in an emergency locomotive after midnight.
And despite the shock of the incident, the brave mechanic decided to take the morning passengers to Abuja.
On the way back, the train again struck a mine laid by terrorists, but the intrepid young man braved the obstacle to reach the final destination.