The imprisoned Nigerian online fraudster Ramon Abass, also known as Hushpuppi, is the subject of a movie series that will be released shortly, according to American rapper, actor, and producer 50 Cent.
In an Instagram post on Wednesday that included images of Hushpuppi, 50 Cent revealed that he was developing a movie series that would tell Hushpuppi’s tale days after Hushpuppi was sentenced to prison.
The American rapper who did not reveal the nature of the series noted: “For my scammers I gotta do this one. Hushpuppy series coming soon! GLG, Green Light Gang I don’t miss. #Bransoncognac #lecheminduroi #gunitfilmandtv.”
Hushpuppi, who was detained in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2020 after defrauding more than 1.9 million victims worldwide, including Americans.
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A statement on the US Department of Justice website claims that Hushpuppi impersonated bank employees and set up a phoney website in order to convince his victim to donate money to the school.
Last Monday, the defendant was given an 11 years and 3 months federal jail sentence for money laundering.
The 40-year-old prisoner was ordered by US District Judge Otis D. Wright II to pay $1,732,841 in reparations to two fraud victims.
The attempt to turn Hushpuppi’s encounter with international law enforcement into a movie is not something that 50 Cents would be the first to do.
Will Packer Productions in the US and Mo Abudu’s EbonyLife Studios in Nigeria have acquired the rights to make a movie based on the Bloomberg story on the alleged global con artist. This will happen in 2021.