Scammers are really working hard to see how they can rob people of their money using several means. They have deviced several methods of getting a person’s Bank Verification Number(BVN) to withdraw money from their account. This BVN is linked to every bank account owner for personal identification. This 11 digit number known as the BVN, and the DOB (Date of birth) is being used by scammers to take money from unsuspecting people’s accounts. This is the reason why people have been asked to guard this personal informations carefully.
In this article I will be talking on 4 ways scammers and hackers have deviced to illegally obtain the BVN and DOB of people.
1 Bank Slips:
In Banks, there are people who end up filling their details in more than one slip probably due to mistakes they made while filling it. That is why people end up throwing series of slips into the bin in their banks. However, it is unknown to these people that certain persons may be lurking around just to pic up these slips and use the details filled in them to withdraw people’s money. This is why it is always advisable to take with you any slip you made mistakes in.
2 Illegal Websites:
Illegal sites are also used by scammers to get hold of people’s BVN and other personal details. This is mostly done in sites that claim to grant loans to people. There is always a need to fill in your bank information on the website, and this can yield a negative result. There are ways to know these kinds of scam sites. Watch out for sites that do not have the “S” included at the back of the “http://”. Safe sites start with https://. Note that there is an “S” after the http, and this S at the end of the http stands for security.
3 Calls:
They also use calls to obtain people’s BVN and account details. These scammers may call you, and pretend that they are the customer service agent of your bank. They would then lie you that there is an issue in your account. They would now claimed that they can correct the issue when you send them your BVN and DOB. whenever you experience anything like this all you have to tell them is that you would come over to the bank to sort out the issue properly rather than giving them your details on phone.
4. Lost phone, or SIM
Another method used by these scammers is “stealing of phones”. When they steal a person’s phone, they would try as much as possible to see how they can use your SIM card to take out all the money in your account. That is why it is advisable to always call your bank immediately you lost your phone or sum card.