Onu in a statement on Wednesday said his loyalty remain with the ruling party, All Progressives Congress (APC), adding that all reports of his involvement in any form of anti-party activity should be disregarded.
He urged the public to note the distinction between him and a former presidential aspirant in the 2019 election, Dr. SKC Ogbonnia, who reportedly endorsed the Labour Party and Obi.
The former minister said the claims suggesting he endorsed another party, are “mischievous, wicked and unfortunate.”
“Dr. SKC Ogbonnia is a completely different person from Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu. My surname is Onu and not Ogbonnia. My other name is Ogbonnaya and not Ogbonnia. The initials SKC are not mine. I never contested for the Presidential Primaries of the APC in 2019,” Onu said.
“In my long political carrier, I have never changed my political party. I have also never been involved in any anti-party activity. It is also important to remember that I served meritoriously as the National Chairman of defunct All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP), that for a long time, was the largest opposition political party in the country.
“We need a high level of civility in the conduct of politics in our dear nation.”
Onu in a statement on Wednesday said his loyalty remain with the ruling party, All Progressives Congress (APC), adding that all reports of his involvement in any form of anti-party activity should be disregarded.
He urged the public to note the distinction between him and a former presidential aspirant in the 2019 election, Dr. SKC Ogbonnia, who reportedly endorsed the Labour Party and Obi.
The former minister said the claims suggesting he endorsed another party, are “mischievous, wicked and unfortunate.”
“Dr. SKC Ogbonnia is a completely different person from Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu. My surname is Onu and not Ogbonnia. My other name is Ogbonnaya and not Ogbonnia. The initials SKC are not mine. I never contested for the Presidential Primaries of the APC in 2019,” Onu said.
“In my long political carrier, I have never changed my political party. I have also never been involved in any anti-party activity. It is also important to remember that I served meritoriously as the National Chairman of defunct All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP), that for a long time, was the largest opposition political party in the country.
“We need a high level of civility in the conduct of politics in our dear nation.”
Onu in a statement on Wednesday said his loyalty remain with the ruling party, All Progressives Congress (APC), adding that all reports of his involvement in any form of anti-party activity should be disregarded.
He urged the public to note the distinction between him and a former presidential aspirant in the 2019 election, Dr. SKC Ogbonnia, who reportedly endorsed the Labour Party and Obi.
The former minister said the claims suggesting he endorsed another party, are “mischievous, wicked and unfortunate.”
“Dr. SKC Ogbonnia is a completely different person from Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu. My surname is Onu and not Ogbonnia. My other name is Ogbonnaya and not Ogbonnia. The initials SKC are not mine. I never contested for the Presidential Primaries of the APC in 2019,” Onu said.
“In my long political carrier, I have never changed my political party. I have also never been involved in any anti-party activity. It is also important to remember that I served meritoriously as the National Chairman of defunct All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP), that for a long time, was the largest opposition political party in the country.
“We need a high level of civility in the conduct of politics in our dear nation.”
Onu in a statement on Wednesday said his loyalty remain with the ruling party, All Progressives Congress (APC), adding that all reports of his involvement in any form of anti-party activity should be disregarded.
He urged the public to note the distinction between him and a former presidential aspirant in the 2019 election, Dr. SKC Ogbonnia, who reportedly endorsed the Labour Party and Obi.
The former minister said the claims suggesting he endorsed another party, are “mischievous, wicked and unfortunate.”
“Dr. SKC Ogbonnia is a completely different person from Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu. My surname is Onu and not Ogbonnia. My other name is Ogbonnaya and not Ogbonnia. The initials SKC are not mine. I never contested for the Presidential Primaries of the APC in 2019,” Onu said.
“In my long political carrier, I have never changed my political party. I have also never been involved in any anti-party activity. It is also important to remember that I served meritoriously as the National Chairman of defunct All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP), that for a long time, was the largest opposition political party in the country.
“We need a high level of civility in the conduct of politics in our dear nation.”